Saturday, February 21, 2009

sweet little miss London

A few of her new likes:
-sucking her thumb
-nursing to sleep
-her brother playing patty cake with her
-rolling (only a couple of times, though)
-watching t.v.
-body slamming Max

A few dislikes:
-suctioning of her nose (which I do EVERY TIME I hear congestion. I'm addicted.
-sleeping at night
-getting put down for a nap before she's ready. Even after I pick her back up again, she will sit and literally yell at me for a few minutes longer. Not even cry, seriously. She yells at me. And if she wants to nurse, she'll take breaks from eating to give me a piece of her mind. She is a riot!


mk said...

SUCH cute pictures. What a sweetie!! Little girls...little girls... SO CUTE!! loveyoutonsmom

Criscell said...

What adorable kids you have, Lindsay! They are beautiful. Thanks again for helping us all make those super cute baby snugglies. I love mine! You did a great job. I LOVE having you on my board!

Liz said...

WAY cute! i miss her!