Sunday, February 15, 2009

Prince Caspian

Sarah Redd has the best dress-up clothes of all time and every time Max goes there, he loves to wear Jack's Prince Caspian outfit. So, on Valentine's day (besides going in for an amazing massage, thank you, Morgan!) we spent the entire day making Max a Prince Caspian costume. The costume consists of a 1/2 yard of fabric, elastic, duct tape, an old diaper box, and lots of love. Morgan concentrated on the shield and breastplate (not shown) and I made the tunic and cape. It definitely isn't as cool as the real thing, but we made do with what we had. And we had a blast doing it. Max sure is a handsome Prince, that's for sure! Now I guess I have to make London a Princess costume?!
(By the way, Max requested the bum shot)


Criscell said...

What a cute, creative mom you are, Lindsay! I'm very impressed. And those pics of London are adorable. She is a little doll.

Jenn said...

Oh that is too funny. I wonder where he gets his picture obsession from.... haha.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

You are AMAZING!!! I think you and Morgan should open up a business.
AND A MASSAGE...Morgan Rocked valentines day!

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

Love the costume - Tienna is definitely a fan of the shiled! Thanks again for your help the other day!