Monday, September 15, 2008

Dates to remember

Here are some important things coming up that I'm sure none of you will want to miss!
September 26: foreign policy sit down debate
October 7: town hall debate
October 15: domestic policy and economic policy debate
Tuesday November 4: Election date!

Of course the election date would be my due date. With Max, my water broke hours before my much needed hair appointment. I have no doubt she will make it a challenge to get to the polls. Apparently my children just want me to know right from the start where my priorities should be.
But on a side note, if Sarah Palin can get back to work 3 days after giving birth, I guess I have no excuse:)


Criscell said...

Way to be so on top of the political arena! I'm impressed. Oh, and by the way, the posters you made for the Super Sat. are soooo cute! You did a great job on them! Thanks again.

Redd family said...

did you catch last weeks SNL? Tina Fey as Sarah Palin....HILARIOUS!!! gotta love this election year!

Z Family said...

Good for you!! We are very political int his house too. Isnt Sarah amazing :) Try an absentee ballot.

mk said...

Great information and great pictures. Glad you are so well informed!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Yes you do have excuses. Take it easy after your sweetheart. I can't wait to see you. We miss you! Addie told me yesterday that Max is her best friend. But I am pretty sure that Max would pick Parker any day. (NOT THAT I BLAME HIM!!!) :)

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Hey Great news! We are not going to Utah anymore in November. I can totally help when you have your baby!!!

Z Family said...

Hey lady!! I want to see some posts about the baby... when you due? how you feeling?? lets have a pregers post...