Saturday, August 02, 2008

The vacation is officially over

We are finally back from our month long stay in utah and I bet the Mathie's are glad to have us gone! Really, though, I need to thank them for hosting us, I'm sure it wasn't easy. Thanks for all the groceries and free room and board, we really appreciated it!
Max got to do so many things in Utah, he was definitely never bored. Besides celebrating 5 birthdays, we got to go swimming at the Mathie's club and my grandparents several times, at least 2 trips to the zoo, boating, shopping at the Gateway and Park City (of course my mom spoiled me rotten with little girl clothes, thanks a TON, mom!!), miniature golfing, REAL outdoor camping (except for sleeping in the Suburban instead of a tent), playing Rock Band (naked, sometimes), and playing with cousins and Uncle Wodan all the time.
Unfortunately sweet little Jonas got sick while we were up there and had to stay awhile in the hospital. Max was always asking about baby Jonas and we're glad that we got to see him at his own home before we left. We are all thinking of him and hope he continues to get better. He was so fun to get to see and spend time with. He is such a sweetheart.
It is good to be back and getting into the swing of things again. We've got tons to do before our next big trip and hopefully it will keep us busy and our minds off of the heat. The nursery still needs to get "girlified" and that's going to be a fun project to work on. Max is excited to get to see his Arizona friends again, though he really does miss his cousins "Tate" and Johnny. One insight I had of how Max will be with our new baby girl happened one Sunday when we went to church with my family. I was holding little Johnny and Max kept saying "Max's turn" which I thought meant he wanted me to hold him. So I gave Johnny to my mom and put my arms out to Max offering to hold him, which he quickly rejected. He was saying it was HIS turn to hold Johnny. So my mom shoved the baby into Max's arms and he held onto him with all of his might. It really was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I can't wait to put him in the role of big brother, I think he is going to be an amazing asset when our little girl gets here. He is so full of love and I think he will be so excited to have a little sister around to take care of.
Again, thanks to all of our family for all of the help and attention you showered on us. We really are so blessed to have such great parents who support us so much.


mk said...

Such a nice post. I cannot believe that you are going to have a little baby girl very soon. She is a lucky little girl! Max will be a great big bro!

Jenn said...

max was too cute with johnny. we had fun with you guys. Kate is always asking where Mats is. It's a little sad that you guys are so far away. Thank goodness for VERIZON!

Our thoughts are with baby Jonas and his parents.

Go make your nursery Jane's.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

It looks like you had a ton of fun! We miss you guys so much and we can't wait to see you again.

I am so sorry to hear about Baby Jonas. We will pray for him!

Addie asked today if she could see Max and the Lion's... ROOAAR!!!(Lion sound if you couldn't tell) :)

Criscell said...

SO much FUN! Isn't it great to be with your family? Glad you're back.