Tuesday, August 12, 2008


When Morgan has his 24 hour shift at the hospital, Max gets to have a sleepover with me in my bed. No matter how far away he starts out, he always ends up pushing me off the bed. The first week I tried just switching to opposite sides whenever he started hovering over me which seemed to work fine. Last night he caught on and when I woke up to go to the bathroom (and took this second picture) he had just sprawled out in the middle. Of course when I woke up this morning, I was barely hanging on to the side of the bed, my legs totally dangling off, Max's bum right in my face. And don't you love how Bandit thinks he gets a pillow all to himself? 4 pillows on the King sized bed, and I get 1/8 of the bed and no pillow (see far left). Maybe the next sleepover we'll sprawl out on the living room floor and see what happens...

Beginning of the night

I took this about 2 a.m. To the left of Bandit is "my area." The rest Max and Bandit get to share.


mk said...

So Cute!! Hopefully Morgan won't have to do many of those shifts!

Jenn said...

that is awesome. I love that he kicks you off the bed. Sometimes Codye says I do the same to him. Only, when I'm pregnant (or nursing), I have to set up a perimeter of pillows in order to maintain my "sleeping on my back" position. Usually Codye gets the boot. Haha.

Criscell said...

Ha ha! That's pretty funny! What a fun thing to do together though. You're such a great mom!

Evensen Family said...

I love it! But of course I'm only laughing because it wasn't happening to me. I'm sure you're not laughing in the middle of the night as you're trying to find a spot. I'm glad that you can capture those sweet moments with just your little guy.

Wilson Family said...

well that's nice of you to let them in!...when PJ is gone i'm so excited to get the whole bed all to myself :) guess i need to work on my sharing...

Liz said...

that's the funniest thing i think i've ever seen! except bandit's eyes look really creepy. not a fan. you should just sleep at the bottom of the bed! that's what i do when ally takes over my bed.

Liz said...

And isn't that how I used to sleep as a kid?