Monday, June 02, 2008

What we found out this morning

So we had our Ultrasound this morning and everything looks good so far. My placenta is on the anterior wall, which the tech said is why I haven't been feeling the baby kick so much, which was a relief to me. The tech checked the hands and feet, the heart, kidneys, and of course, the sex of the baby. And my intuition was right, we are definitely having a little girl. And of course I am really really excited, really nervous, but really excited. I'm just starting to get used to boys, so I don't know what I'm going to do. But I have no doubt Max will be an amazing brother, he's already practicing with make-up and toenail polish. And Morgan of course is extremely excited. My mom was surprised that we weren't out the door to go shopping the second we found out what we were having. I had to explain to her that this little girls' wardrobe will have to be funded by grandparents and donations from my friend Siri:)
But I really am so grateful and relieved that everything looked good at the ultrasound and I'm soooo excited to have a sweet little baby girl that I can smother with kisses and not have her wipe them away (as Max is starting to do).
Only a few more months to go!


Norton Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! i'm so excited for you guys!! a little girl.. what a precious little gift. i think it's funny that you and jen had exact opposites.

Jenn said...

Linds, I am so excited for you. Everyone deserves a little girl. You are such a cute mommy. And Morgan is going to be MUSH!!

Wilson Family said...

Yea for little girls!!! It is so fun to have one of each and see how different they really are. I have to admit when I found out #3 was another boy I was slightly sad because I wanted to get out all the cute dresses and bows and everything pretty and pink. I can't believe you didn't get out and go shopping right away either - great self control :) Congratulations!!!!

Darger Party of 3 said...

Congrats Linds and fam. How fun!! She will be beautiful. Can't wait to see pics...after she is born of course...I am getting a little bit ahead of the process I guess.

mk said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are SO excited. By the way, Tracie, it isn't "funny" about them having opposites. It is a blessing for me. One that I deserve, by the way. We'll see about the wardrobe sponsorship. Plenty of pajamas that is for sure. SO HAPPY for you. love/mom

Evensen Family said...

Congratulations guys! Little girls are so fun and you will love having one of each. As Chris says now you can be done if you want. I bet Max will be the best older brother and very protective.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

You can take anything of mine! We know I bought a lot!!! Congrats!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

You can take anything of mine! We know I bought a lot!!! Congrats!

Sum & Ben said...

You will love a little girl!! I have three of them and I love them so much! They are all so different, but wonderful! I am so excited for you! i love my little boy too, don't get me wrong, but little girls are so fun! Congratulations! -Summer-

hilary said...

lindsay! congratulations!! i am so excited for you guys! max will be such a good big brother :)

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

Congrats! We're so excited for you guys .... litle girls are the best!

Criscell said...

Yippee!! I'm SOOO happy for you! Little girls are so much fun! Get ready for lots of pink!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Lindsay - congrats! That is so exciting you'll have a little girl! I loved what you said about her wardrobe... LOL! Glad that everything looked good! Hope you are feeling well. ~ Katie