Friday, May 30, 2008

Thank goodness it's Friday

It's been a really rough week, but we ended it on a high note with Max getting to play up at Parker's splash pad and then going to the pool for a little swim with Dad. Keep your fingers crossed that we make it through the next 2 weeks with our sanity! Poor Max is in need of some major cousin and uncle bonding time! He is sick of being with his boring old mom all day.


Redd family said...

Can't wait to play with you guys soon! Jack has missed Max and I'm beyond nervous for these next 2 weeks!!! AAAAAH!

Jenn said...

Whatever! You are the coolest mom I know! Max gets to do so many fun things with you! Poor Kate, everyday I just shove her out back and say, "Have fun!"
Mother-son bonding is so good for him!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

He looks bigger to me! I can't believe it.

mk said...

He is one handsome dude!! Can't WAIT to see you guys!