Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Max's Finding Nemo Birthday

Yesterday we had a little party for Max with just a few of his friends for his birthday. The theme was Finding Nemo so Morgan and I set up all of his water toys out back and let the kids go wild. Between the swimming, eating, and pinata hitting, the time went by way too fast and Max cried when everyone left. But it was such a fun party, and Max had such a great birthday! By the end of the night, he was singing along to "Happy Birthday" and wanted to keep blowing out all of his candles. I can't believe he is already 2 years old! He loved opening presents all day and playing with all of his new toys. If we didn't have that extra "play room" I don't know what we would do with all of his stuff! I just have to keep putting things in his closet and bringing them out when he's in need of a toy! Thanks for all the calls we got from his aunts and cousins! You guys are cute and we are so sad that we can't have our usual family party together.
Another milestone we celebrated yesterday was, (drum roll please) Max told me he had to go to the bathroom and when I sat him on his potty, he peed! YAY! Then he did it again today! Granted, there have been accidents in between the two times he's said it, but YAY! I am so happy to see that in a very slow way, it's starting to pay off. So wish us luck over the next 6 weeks, hopefully things will just keep getting more consistent!


Jenn said...

YAY!!! so cute. holding johnny. will comment more later!

mk said...

Fun party!! Fun parents!! love/mom

Liz said...

cute! i wish i could have come, i LOVE finding nemo!

Jenn said...

LOVE The pinata. Love the water toys. Max looks so cute trying to drink the squirting up water! We'll have to do SO MUCH when you're here this summer!!!

Norton Family said...

your party looked so much fun!!!! we're jealous we weren't there to play in all the water activities. and those cupcakes looked delicious!! We miss you guys so much. give the little guy a big kiss from his cousin Spencer.
love you guys!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

We are still so sorry that we missed such an awesome party. I guess it saved you from making another kids meal. I will be ther for next year's birthday. Will you still be handing out jewelery? :)

Z Family said...

Time certainly does fly by!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!! I guess its our turn next. Congrats on the BIG potty accomplishment. THat is great.