Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More birthday pix


mk said...

Happy Birthday cute little guy!! love/gramma

Criscell said...

Fun pictures! I love the cupcakes. I can't believe that Caysja will be 2 pretty soon. Where does the time go?

mk said...

Yah...Way cute cupcakes!!

Danielle O. said...

Yah for potty time, Max! Thanks for the fun party! I hope that Max had a great day and sorry that my big rear got in the way of the cute party pic!!

Darger Party of 3 said...

Happy Birthday Max!!! I cannot believe you have a 2 year old.

Jenn said...

Okay- Linds. You are the cutest mom ever. You are so clever. Little Max is such a lucky little duck! Kate LOVES to look at "Mats" pictures on the internet. It is so funny. Looks like you guys had a blast. We can't wait to come see you!!!!

Sum & Ben said...

Hi Lindsey... It is Summer Smith. I came across your blog, and it is so fun to see your little Max! He is so cute, and it looks like you are having fun with him. This blogging thing is so fun, it is crazy how you can find people!! I will add you to my list so that I can see your cute boy grow up!! You look great as well! I love the long hair! Take Care, and keep in touch!!

Joani10 said...

Cute party Lindsay! Happy Birthday Max; he is such a cutie! It snowed today in Utah so enjoy the sun for me :)

Dawn & Todd Gottfredson said...

Lindsey Mathie,

How the heck are you? Summer told me she found your blog. I can't believe you have a little boy...he is so stinking cute. Tell me how things are going. I can't believe we found you. Talk to you soon!!!!

Evensen Family said...

Lindsay, It's Lindsay here. I just found your blog on Summers and was so excited to see your cute little family. Max is so big and dang cute. I love all the blonde hair. I hope med school is treating you well. Just think your almost half way there. If it's o.k I'd like to check in on you guys every now and then. Hope to hear from you soon.

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

What a fun party! I can't believe he's 2 .... they definitely get big so fast!

Dawn & Todd Gottfredson said...

Thanks for the comment. Things are going well here. Todd works at Fidelity and I am in the mortgage business. Can you believe we still don't have kids. We have been trying but not been lucky enough yet. Do you ever hear from the Leavitts? Do they have kids yet? I know they were trying. You guys look great. I can't believe how much Max looks like you. He is so cute!!!! How is medical school? Is Morgan done yet? Tell me everything! It is so good to hear from you!!!!!