Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Visit from Gramma and Papa

Yummy ice cream birthday cake!
Wahoo! Buzz and Woody!
Rainforest Cafe
Can I get off now?!
Naked Cowboy sporting the briefs

This weekend we had some fun visitors, Gramma and Papa! Although the circumstances weren't the best for their visit, we sure had a good time. We celebrated Max's birthday and he got some new Buzz and Woody toys (of course) and a GREAT new picnic table! We went down to the Arizona Mills and had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and that was really fun. Max was very nervous about the Gorilla's, but loved watching the fish. The next day we drove over to Palm Springs for my Aunt Pam's funeral. It was a hard trip but I'm glad Max and I got to go with my parents. There was one funny thing that happened, though. We shared a room in Palm Springs and while we were all asleep, Max started shouting "Papa" in his sleep. It was so funny and sweet because he just adored my dad the whole trip. Thanks, Bill, for all the playtime you had with Max. He was really sad this morning to see your bed was empty.
Thanks again for the great visit, mom and dad! We sure miss you already and can't wait to see you in Newport! Thanks for all the groceries and shopping! And good luck with Ole and Ida!


mk said...

We had so much fun. Thanks for your wonderful hospitality. Your posting made me cry, so I am not calling for a while. loveyoutonsmom

Jenn said...

LOVE THE PIX! Max is too cute. We specificallly requested that Gramma and Papa bring Max HOME with them!!!!!!!

Love you guys. I can't believe we have two year olds.

Norton Family said...

I love it!!!! Max is so stinkin' cute and i can't believe how big he is getting. WE MISS YOU GUYS!!!
we loved the pictures of Disneyland too. Spencer loved seeing the characters.

Dave, Danielle and Luke said...

Hey guys! Sorry I missed the playdate night last week! i heard Max liked Luke's baby doll! It looks like you had so much fun with your parents and I don't think that Max is at all interested in Buzz and Woody toys!! Anyway let's get together soon and Dave and I found a fun blog for you and Morgan... www.cannonspot.blogspot.com ENJOY!

Dave, Danielle and Luke said...

PS what is that webcam comment all about?