Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sad to leave

We just got back from Disneyland and boy was it hard to leave. Not so much for me, but for Max. He had such a blast meeting all the characters, riding on the rides, and of course, chasing around his "Uncle Wodan." I would say his favorite thing was the Buzz Lightyear ride. Or maybe it was running around Disneyland when it was empty and we were the last ones to leave. Or maybe it was the Monster's Inc ride. I don't know! He really loved it all! It was so fun watching him take it all in and get excited about it!
We really did have so much fun and it was so good to see Jonas get to be at Disneyland with everyone. He sure is such a sweet little boy. Lindsey and Whit are such great parents and we're so amazed with all they do.
Hope you enjoy the pictures! We're off to the pool!


mk said...

SOOOOOO, SOOOO cute! Fun that he is old enough to enjoy all of the characters. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing! love/gramma

Z Family said...

DIsneyland, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, South Caost Plaza... WHAO!! thats a lot in a couple of days. Looks like you guys had a blast. My parents live a couple of blocks from the pier in HB on Main st. Too bad we couldnt have met you at Rubys... maybe in July. Happy you had a good time!!

Norton Family said...

Holy pictures BATMAN!!! That is awesome! i'm glad you guys had so much fun. I love that Max is old enough now to run around and enjoy Disneyland almost as much as his daddy. You guys are such a cute little family!! we miss you.

mk said...

The first thing Kate does when she walks in my room is point at the computer and say, "Max, Linzy, Max, Linzy". She LOVES the Disneyland slide show. it is SO cute!! love/gramma

Jenn said...

love the slide show. Kate is absolutely fascinated with it and keeps repeating "Max. Max." at the computer. I'll have to move our computer out to the tv room so I can let her watch it all day!