Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Eating Gingerbread Houses

Yea, and instead of being a good mom and saying something like "Get off the table, we don't eat sugar before breakfast," I was like "Hold it, hold it, let me get the camera!" Great parenting, huh? He is such a stink!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Ha Ha Ha. That is so funny. I love it!

Z Family said...

GREAT!! THats what makes very happy childhood memories. Sometimes its ok to have dessert first!

mk said...

Adorable!! We are getting excited to see you guys! love/mom

Sam, Kim and E-Z said...

So cute! i love the last picture. he looks like he's so proud of himself. it was fun walking with you today. let's do it again. check out our blog