Sunday, December 02, 2007

Making Gingerbread Houses

Last night we went over to Josh and Abbie's to make Gingerbread Houses. It was such a blast! Abbie had made all the gingerbread, frosting, and even cut all the gingerbread into house pieces. All we had to do was put them together and decorate! Some people got really creative (Uh, Jeff and Hilary's was VERY VERY colorful, Matt and Sarah's, well, I'm sure if you know them, you can only imagine) and even when Sean and Siri's fell apart, he fixed it to look like it was meant to have the roof cave in! I was totally impressed with everyone's decorating skills! Too bad Max was a big bully and we had to leave early. He sure loved playing with little baby Tienna, though. I think he's found himself a girlfriend!:) Thanks, Josh and Abbie, for hosting a way fun night!!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Max is great. I loved hearing him say "body slam". It was a total crack up. I personally think that Addie needs a little whooping from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Very nice houses. Good job!!

Redd family said...

cute picss - I totally stole them for my blog....thanks for being on top of things!!

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Hey guys! I love the gingerbread houses! Let's do it again this year...