Sunday, November 25, 2007

New house

Here are some pictures of our new house. I'm still feeling a little unsettled, but maybe once Morgan is back in school I can finally start focusing on getting things put away and hung up. It really is a great place, tons bigger and in a way nicer area. There is a pond a few blocks away and Max sure loves the ducks there! The weather has gotten better, too. It was only 72 degrees here today and we even had the heat on last night! We went to our new ward today and stayed for Sacrament. The ward seems really nice and we already know so many people there that we really felt welcome. Of course Max saw Jack Redd immediately and started yelling "Jack, Jack!!" That's going to be fun for him to have friends in the ward!
Unfortunately school starts tomorrow for Morgan. But I'm thinking that the next few weeks are going to fly, and soon we'll be up in Utah celebrating Christmas with everyone. I can't believe it's Max's 2nd Christmas already! He is getting so big and he is such a riot sometimes. He seems to have his finger permanently up his nose (hmmm...wonder what side of the family he got that from??) and claps when he finally gets what he's digging for. And his new favorite show is Toy Story. He goes around saying "Buzz" and "Woody." He sure likes the new house, too. He especially is loving sleeping in mom and dad's bed when he wakes up around 5 or 6 every morning. That is going to get halted as of tomorrow so we'll see how that goes!
I guess that's all for now!


mk said...

You are amazing. Looks great!!

Darger Party of 3 said...

Congrats. Why the move? Call me are a hard girl to get in touch with.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I think your home is beautiful. And I love the orange tree in the backyard. I might be in your backyard a lot. :)

Z Family said...

GREAT house!! I didnt realize you guys were moving. I need a new address if you could email me for christmas cards going out on Friday. Still in AZ??

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! it's really nice. I'm glad it's in a better area, the other one made you a litle nervous. -Trac

Joani10 said...

I love your new place; you always decorate so cute....why did you move? We'll have to get together over Christmas if things aren't too crazy with family stuff!
PS Your hair is sooo long! Looks cute