Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
At first I was feeling really sad that we weren't going to be able to make it up to Utah for Thanksgiving, but I actually have really enjoyed spending every extra minute with my husband. Today was no exception. Morgan woke up really early and started working on the Turkey. Then he went on to prepare most of the food. The Redd's came over and brought some yummy food and we had a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner! The Redd's are always such a laugh and we have such a good time with them. There was tons of food and we just got to sit back, laugh, and eat while Max and Jack rough housed and played around. After they left, Max was yelling "Jack!" at the door. He was ready to leave with them! He definitely loves having friends over to his new house. And I definitely love our new place. It needs a lot of work, still tons of pictures to be put up and tons of cleaning (from moving in) but, it'll keep me busy for a while which is good because I'm going to be really sad when Morgan goes back to school. I'm hoping for some major visits in January to keep me from getting too sad! That's to you, Gramma and Papa Lewis, and to you, too, Grammie and Grandpa Mathie!:)


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Looks like you guys had fun. I can't wait to see your new house.

mk said...

Looks SO nice. Good job kiddo!!