Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fun in New York

I had such a blast in New York this past weekend! We got to do so much and see so much (and spend so much....)
The first day we went to the Empire State building and Macy's. The next day we did The Today Show (which Morgan saw me on!) and tons of shopping on Fifth. We took a carriage ride in Central Park and that was a hoot. That night we saw Mary Poppins which was amazing! Then on Saturday we went to the Museum of Modern Art and saw the George Seurat exhibit was incredible. Van Gogh's Starry Night was there and I loved seeing that again. After we went to Canal Street (yuck) and got some cool knock offs. Then down to Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty. Then of course, the Law and Order Courthouse!! On Sunday we went to church at the Manhattan Temple and that really was a great experience. On our way to the airport we stopped at another L&O favorite, Grimaldi's Pizza where we had lunch. My favorite was probably Mary Poppins:)
I did love getting to spend some time with my sisters and mom. And although I missed Max (and Morgan) like CRAZY, it was nice having some time away to be a kid again myself. Thanks mom for taking us all on this awesome trip! I hope you had as much fun as we did!! LOVE YOU!
And thank you to the Mathie's for watching Max!! Sorry he was sick, I hope you can get the smell out of your couch! And Logan....:)


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I am so jealous. I really want to go back. Your trip looked so fun. We miss you guys in AZ. We have been swimming everyday.

Brooke Allison said...

How fun! It looks like you had a great time. Also I love the new haircut. Very Reese. Haha! Cant wait to have you back. See you soon.

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

It looks like you had so much fun - I've heard that Marry Poppins is a great show. Let me know if you need help moving!

hilary said...

hi lindsay! i am so jealous you got to go on such a fun trip with your mom and sisters!! looks like you had a blast! good luck moving, we are excited to have you guys in the ward:) then we can see you guys more often.

Darger Party of 3 said...

So fun!! Check out our blog for some new info. Miss you guys. You look fantastic by the way... :)