Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Watching a little T.V.

I'm telling you, this kid is hilarious! Where in the world do they get it from? Anyways, we are having a good week so far. Max is cutting some new teeth on his bottom sides and is kind of acting like a stink, but we'll get through it. As long as we get to spend some time outside in this beautiful weather, I'll stay sane. :)

Word, Uncle Tay

Here is a picture of Max dressing up like his Uncle Taylor. Now, if only we could get him to rap?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Copy cat

After I saw Matt and Sarah Redd's post, I had to see for myself since I always get that he looks like Morgan. Interesting results!

Say "Cheese!"

Max has started to say "Cheese" when we get the camera out. Needless to say, I have gotten the camera out a lot more! After he says it, he throws his head back and cackles! Such a funny boy!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Stupid Southwest Airlines

It took me FOREVER to find this, I guess they don't want to make it too public because then they'd get a lot of complaints. But, I did find this statement on their website:

Note: Currently in San Antonio, TX, and beginning October 2 in all other Southwest cities, an adult traveling with a child four years old or younger will board between the “A” and “B” boarding groups. If you have an “A” boarding pass, please feel free to board with that boarding group. With an all-jet fleet outfitted with comfortable, leather seats, our families with small children are easily accommodated together.

Sure is going to make flying a heck of a lot more fun!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Play time with dad

twinkle toes

Doing good

We've had a pretty uneventful past couple of days. Max is doing a lot better with his sign language, though! He is now doing "please," "more," "all done," "milk," "thank you," (although thank you is more like he's blowing kisses), "bath," and "drink." Sometimes he'll even do two in a row, like "more milk" or "please drink." Morgan isn't loving the sign language, he thinks it's slowing his language development, but it sure is nice for me because then I know what he's trying to communicate. And he really is trying to speak more. Today at lunch he was really trying hard to say "strawberry." And of course, he loves saying "foo-ball!" He is so funny and I am having so much fun staying at home with him and seeing him do new things each day.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cutest boy EVER

How did I get so lucky?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We love you, Grandpa Ole!

What a scare we had this past weekend. My grandpa Ole had a stroke and we didn't know what was going to happen. After a day filled with quite a bit of bad news, the doctors at LDS Hospital reported that it was likely he would have a full recovery. Not bad for an 88 year old man! Ole is the toughest man I know. I remember when he and Morgan went golfing once a couple of years ago and he made Morgan walk the course. Morgan came home saying Ole was in better shape than he was.
He also is the strongest minded (and strongest willed) man I know. I'm reading a book right now by Bernard Goldberg and he says the world needs more John Wayne-like men. Well, that's my grandpa. I just want him to know that I'm so grateful he's going to be ok and that I'm so sorry I couldn't be at the hospital with him. I'm glad that some of my cousins got to go up and spend some time with him during his recovery.
Right before Max and I came home from Utah, the night before his stroke, we went to say good-bye to him. Max was finally warming up to him and they were passing a basketball around and having a really good time. I'm so grateful the my little Max has gotten to spend so much time with his great grandparents and that he's got the "Zundel" name to hold onto.