Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Doing good

We've had a pretty uneventful past couple of days. Max is doing a lot better with his sign language, though! He is now doing "please," "more," "all done," "milk," "thank you," (although thank you is more like he's blowing kisses), "bath," and "drink." Sometimes he'll even do two in a row, like "more milk" or "please drink." Morgan isn't loving the sign language, he thinks it's slowing his language development, but it sure is nice for me because then I know what he's trying to communicate. And he really is trying to speak more. Today at lunch he was really trying hard to say "strawberry." And of course, he loves saying "foo-ball!" He is so funny and I am having so much fun staying at home with him and seeing him do new things each day.

1 comment:

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I think that it is great. It works for the mom who is at home and needs someway to communicate with him.