Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We love you, Grandpa Ole!

What a scare we had this past weekend. My grandpa Ole had a stroke and we didn't know what was going to happen. After a day filled with quite a bit of bad news, the doctors at LDS Hospital reported that it was likely he would have a full recovery. Not bad for an 88 year old man! Ole is the toughest man I know. I remember when he and Morgan went golfing once a couple of years ago and he made Morgan walk the course. Morgan came home saying Ole was in better shape than he was.
He also is the strongest minded (and strongest willed) man I know. I'm reading a book right now by Bernard Goldberg and he says the world needs more John Wayne-like men. Well, that's my grandpa. I just want him to know that I'm so grateful he's going to be ok and that I'm so sorry I couldn't be at the hospital with him. I'm glad that some of my cousins got to go up and spend some time with him during his recovery.
Right before Max and I came home from Utah, the night before his stroke, we went to say good-bye to him. Max was finally warming up to him and they were passing a basketball around and having a really good time. I'm so grateful the my little Max has gotten to spend so much time with his great grandparents and that he's got the "Zundel" name to hold onto.


Jenn said...

this makes me cry. He is tough, huh. Remember "Tough Guys" and how we'd watch it at their house? LOVE IT!

Z Family said...

Very touching pics!! It is very sad for everyone and thank God he is going to pull through!! Our trip to Utah is perfect timing.

mk said...

Darn you !!