Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to school

Well, the summer is officially over. Morgan went back to school yesterday and Max and I are missing him very much. He doesn't sound too excited about his second year, but after this, he'll be doing his rotations and that will be a little bit more exciting.
Max and I have a lot planned for the next few days, just to keep busy and our minds off him being gone. Yesterday we went to the mall and played with some friends, then went grocery shopping (where Max just kept yelling out "DAD!" and looking down each isle), and then Danielle and her little boy Luke came over for a swim. It was a lot of fun and with this 110 degree weather, the pool will definitely get used every day! Apparently Arizona is going for a record with temps over 110 degrees for over 30 days this summer. Yikes.
Max still hasn't been feeling 100%, as evident in his lousy sleeping and moody afternoons. I think headcolds are almost the worst thing they can catch because they last FOREVER! But he's always in a good mood when we turn on High School Musical:) He sure loves that show! Actually, right now he's a lttle obsessed with the t.v. in general...we've taken to calling him Max T.V. Definitely cutting back on that now that Morgan is back in school. It really is going to be nice now to get back into a little routine and structure now that Morgan is back in school. Summer was fun, but I guess it's time to start being an adult. Ugh, how morbid did that sound?!


Redd family said...

I agree - back to school is a total bummer. We need to swim though so we can drag out the summer. I can't believe how big Luke is, I really need to see them. Hope Max gets feeling better!

mk said...

You are a good little mommy. Max is a lucky boy!!

Z Family said...

I sympathize with your heat. It was 114 yesterday and only got down to 100 at night with gross humidity. Oh how I wish I was the electric company collecting on everyone's air conditioning. Keep cool... dreyers fat free, low sugar all natural fruit popsicles.