Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter everyone!

Max had such a fun weekend! We went to Morgan's school on Saturday and he got to meet the Easter Bunny for the first time, which didn't go over so well...Max cried so I had to sit with him for the picture. Then when we tried to get a picture with Morgan, he wouldn't keep his head straight, he kept looking around for the Easter bunny!!

Then on Sunday Max opened his Easter basket from me and Morgan. REALLY likes Pez candies and his new Elmo DVD!!

After church we went over to our friends house for an Easter dinner. We had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard which was fun. The kids were really cute and fun to watch. Parker and Max just kind of sat and the bigger kids, Jack and Addie, decided to help them out with collecting eggs. It was so much fun! Then Brooke and Jason had an Easter egg hunt for the couples so we scavenged around the house for our easter eggs! It was something we'll always remember!


Brooke Allison said...

Those are some cute boys. Maybe someday Parker will grow some hair. You guys are the cutest family.

Redd family said...

Love the pics! Easter bunnies are a little creepy aren't they?