Monday, October 30, 2006

Ward Halloween Party

Max, Morgan, and Matt and Jack Redd

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tuckered out from the ward Halloween party... Crawling into the office while Morgan is supposed to be watching him...

So many updates this week!! He is now crawling ALL OVER the place which is fun and scary at the same time. Only once or twice have I found him in Bandit’s food, under the coffee table, and in my bathroom closet. He’s so funny! Time to baby-proof I guess...
Also we have had a breakthrough in another area: his mouth now contains one small snaggle tooth! It’s the front bottom one and it is as cute as can be. No biting yet and so far hasn’t been too fussy about it. We're hopeful we'll see more soon!!
Morgan was especially excited this week when Max started saying “Dada” over and over again…that’s right, the little guy is starting to talk! We still don’t know if he really associates Morgan with it, but he gets really quiet and whispers it when he does. It’s adorable.
This week Max and Morgan got to spend a little bit more time together. Max now puts both arms up in the air (when coached), copies me/Morgan when we bang our hands on the floor, and LOVES dancing with his dad in the kitchen!
He is getting so big and we're counting down the days until we can come up and see everyone! Okay, maybe not. The weather is now beautiful and we hear it's snowing in Salt Lake so maybe everyone should come down here and visit us!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006

Fun Week

We have had such a nice past couple of days. The weather down here is just gorgeous! Too cold to swim, but still nice enough to be wearing a skirt and flip flops all day!
The cutest thing happened at church on Sunday: Max fell asleep on the sofa out in the foyer!! He had his legs on my lap and was sprawled out and just conked out. I wish I had my camera with me, I guess I had better start taking my camera everywhere! Oh, and I got a calling as a teacher for the Sunbeams. That will be fun to take Max to! Morgan is still waiting to find out what his calling is going to be, they put his Sunday School position on the back burner and are waiting for something else to call him as. I'm guessing he'll be my teaching partner!! Just kidding!!
We haven't done much this week, just spent a lot of time outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather. Max likes to crawl around the blanket and grab at toys. If he starts getting bored, I take his toys and play with them and soon after he starts grabbing at whatever toy I have. He's so funny!!
Also, our friend Danielle Owen had her cute little boy, Luke. We went over to the hospital to visit them and Max was just fascinated. I held him and he just couldn't take his eyes off of the little one. It was so adorable. I think he recognized him and was trying to remember from where:)
Today we went and got some pictures taken at Target and are excited to give them to everyone when we come up for Thanksgiving. Max couldn't have been better. He just smiled and posed for the pictures like a good little guy. He is so pleasant and fun to be around, I don't know how I got so lucky!
Morgan got to spend a couple of cute moments with Max this week. We all had story time before putting Max to bed the other night. I do it every night but one night this week, Morgan came in and held him while I read. He loves his "Doggie" book. It was so cute, I could barely stand it. Another cute thing was when he listened to his heartbeat with his stethescope. Speaking of, Morgan is doing really well in school. He has had some really tough exams but is scoring high grades so I'm really proud of him. He's about due for a break, that's for sure!! Max and I miss him a lot, especially when he only gets to see Max for a minute before he goes to bed, but are glad it's only temporary and one day we'll get to see him more!!
Well I hope you all are having a good week!! We're getting excited for Thanksgiving!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Max and Danielle (and soon to be baby Luke!)

What a week!

Max and I have had quite a week!
On Monday we went grocery shopping with his favorite friend, Danielle. He likes to just sit and stare at her:).....and touch her belly!! (He's really excited for her to have Luke so he can have a little buddy to crawl on!)
On Tuesday we had a play date at the park with some other midwestern girls and their kids. Max was crawling all over the most adorable twin girls. I think he was in heaven!
He really has started crawling/scooting like crazy. (I'm not sure the difference, but it doesn't really matter, he's mobile!!) He really likes being around other babies and taking their toys. He is very observant of the other kids and their behaviors. This one little boy started to cry and Max just stared at him and couldn't figure out why he was crying. -By the way, he was crying because Max was sucking on his toy!
On Wednesday we went to story/singing time at the library with Jack and Sarah. He loved the singing time, not so much the story time, though. We had a lot of fun singing, he really loves "The Wheels on the Bus" song. Later that night, Morgan tried for about 10 minutes to get him to bed but was unsuccessful. He really tried, but Max just gets too excited when daddy's around and doesn't want to go to sleep!!
On Thursday the poor little guy had to get his 6 month check-up and shots. He is doing well, he is in the 70th percentile for head size (no surprise!), 88th percentile for height (really surprised) and 65th percentile for weight. He actually hasn't gained any weight over the last 3 weeks, but the doctor said that was totally normal and he wasn't too concerned because he is still extra chubbalicious!
Max did really well getting those stupid shots. The nurse took her sweet time and I swear it couldn't have taken any longer!! My poor little buddy was sobbing pretty hard, but was fine as soon as I held him. When the doctor was doing his check-up, he was really freaking out and the doctor said he was probably beginning his separation anxiety period, which usually starts around 6-9 months. So, don't be surprised if I see any of you in the next few months when I just hand him off to you. I definitely think he needs to be secure in going to other people!!
Thursday night also was kind of funny. Morgan came home around 10 and I was just getting Max back to sleep and of course he woke up when Morgan came in and did not want to be back in bed so Morgan got to hang out with him for a little bit which I'm sure they both enjoyed.
Well, today is Friday and we haven't done much, just a trip to the store for the monthly grocery shopping. I have got to go now because the little dude is just all over his daddy's office trying to grab any wire or bit of paper he can. We love and miss you all!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

We're Back!

We had so much fun up in Utah this past week! I can't believe how much I miss the seasons! Max was excited to get to spend time with his cute cousin Kathryn and his grandmas and grandpas. He got spoiled of course, but the most exciting thing happened: He took a scoot! He must have been watching Kathryn closely...that or he was trying to get his toys back but he pushed up and off and took a little scoot! Now Morgan and I are making him stay on his stomach all the time. I don't know why I'm so anxious for him to crawl: I'm sure that will make it that much harder!! But he's really trying hard and gets so frustrated. I'm sure it will be happening any day now!!