Friday, October 20, 2006

Fun Week

We have had such a nice past couple of days. The weather down here is just gorgeous! Too cold to swim, but still nice enough to be wearing a skirt and flip flops all day!
The cutest thing happened at church on Sunday: Max fell asleep on the sofa out in the foyer!! He had his legs on my lap and was sprawled out and just conked out. I wish I had my camera with me, I guess I had better start taking my camera everywhere! Oh, and I got a calling as a teacher for the Sunbeams. That will be fun to take Max to! Morgan is still waiting to find out what his calling is going to be, they put his Sunday School position on the back burner and are waiting for something else to call him as. I'm guessing he'll be my teaching partner!! Just kidding!!
We haven't done much this week, just spent a lot of time outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather. Max likes to crawl around the blanket and grab at toys. If he starts getting bored, I take his toys and play with them and soon after he starts grabbing at whatever toy I have. He's so funny!!
Also, our friend Danielle Owen had her cute little boy, Luke. We went over to the hospital to visit them and Max was just fascinated. I held him and he just couldn't take his eyes off of the little one. It was so adorable. I think he recognized him and was trying to remember from where:)
Today we went and got some pictures taken at Target and are excited to give them to everyone when we come up for Thanksgiving. Max couldn't have been better. He just smiled and posed for the pictures like a good little guy. He is so pleasant and fun to be around, I don't know how I got so lucky!
Morgan got to spend a couple of cute moments with Max this week. We all had story time before putting Max to bed the other night. I do it every night but one night this week, Morgan came in and held him while I read. He loves his "Doggie" book. It was so cute, I could barely stand it. Another cute thing was when he listened to his heartbeat with his stethescope. Speaking of, Morgan is doing really well in school. He has had some really tough exams but is scoring high grades so I'm really proud of him. He's about due for a break, that's for sure!! Max and I miss him a lot, especially when he only gets to see Max for a minute before he goes to bed, but are glad it's only temporary and one day we'll get to see him more!!
Well I hope you all are having a good week!! We're getting excited for Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

mk said...

so dang cute! How fun. Kathryn was with her friend, Josh, yesterday. He's 3 weeks older than her. They were the exact same size! I just kept thinking, "This isn't right! Max is not this skinny little guy! He's a little football player!" It made me miss ya! Max & Kate are too cute together!
Love ya