Sunday, October 08, 2006

We're Back!

We had so much fun up in Utah this past week! I can't believe how much I miss the seasons! Max was excited to get to spend time with his cute cousin Kathryn and his grandmas and grandpas. He got spoiled of course, but the most exciting thing happened: He took a scoot! He must have been watching Kathryn closely...that or he was trying to get his toys back but he pushed up and off and took a little scoot! Now Morgan and I are making him stay on his stomach all the time. I don't know why I'm so anxious for him to crawl: I'm sure that will make it that much harder!! But he's really trying hard and gets so frustrated. I'm sure it will be happening any day now!!

1 comment:

mk said...

the pictures of Max with Ole are priceless. I love em! What a fun grandpa man! :) (That's what we call him!)

p.s. thanks for always saying how cute of a mom I am. I guess being a yellow is to my daughter's advantage!! :) LOVE YOU!