Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Saying good-bye to sweet Maggie

Meeting our sweet new niece, Miss Eleanor

Finished products...Perry, spooky ghost, Minnie, Oogie, and Mike from Monster's inc is hiding

Gardner Village does not have a pumpkin patch in case you were wondering

Look what Max found in the leaves!

Carving pumpkins at last

 London loved to hold her, but she and William did NOT like when I held her.

Will really loved his Grandpa Mark!
Hanging out on Gramma's bed, always a favorite!


Miss Eleanor

Boys will be boys. Especially if they are matching.

Little them!

Papa Mark & Uncle Whit indulged the kids with endless swingset time

Whose got Will?? Does anyone have Will?

Aunt Tracie and Gramma's amazing Halloween party

Cousin Isaac was my personal babysitter all night...Will adored him.
Gramma reading a scary Halloween book

My amazing helper, Max. Could not have gotten home without him.

The least naughty Will was the entire flight home.

Two weeks ago we went to Utah to say good-bye to our sweet niece/cousin Maggie that passed away.  We love and miss you Maggie, and know that we will see you again one day. Words can't express how grateful we all are to know that families can be forever and that we will be with Maggie again. Max and London know that Maggie is safe and sound, and they are so glad she is able to do things in heaven that she couldn't do on earth. 


Liz said...

Bittersweet. Fun to see you guys though! Will and Isaac were hilarious!

mk said...

So glad we got to celebrate London's birthday with her 🎂