Friday, November 08, 2013

Halloween Day

Her Halloween bag she made at school, doesn't she look thrilled? Bawled for at least 2/3 of the parade.

Cutest dad, he went as a "doctor working nights"

I was Captain America's mom

Doing Mummy Crafts at London's school

my darling Wonder Woman

Preschool Parade through the village

Spending Halloween afternoon doing spooky science experiments in Captain America's class. My hands were covered with gak so this was the only picture I got.

Trick or Treating with some of our besties

Good lookin bunch!

Opted for Dash...little more comfy than plastic Buzz...He was the all-star trick or treater of the night by far!


mk said...

Very cute! Fun to see the pictures!

Liz said...

Totally cute. Need more posts!!