Friday, July 05, 2013

What we've been up to...

Lots of art and science experiments... Jackson Pollock style painting with paint filled syringes
Making ice sculptures

Making reptile "bouncy" eggs and making marshmallow constellations

Will has LOVED having his big brother around...and also fallen in love with Woody and Buzz
The one day Morgan has been home we hit Manatee was freezing!

Having lunch with our good friend, Mimi. London treats this little monkey like her baby...he is always taken care of!

We spent the 4th of July with some great friends and awesome fireworks!!

Will fell asleep while watching them...apparently not as impressive as the Disney World fireworks!


mk said...

The kids look so happy. Looks like so much fun!

Liz said...

Oh that Will is just not impressed. I love how white he is compared to Max and London. Manatee Bay looks so fun! Can't wait to see you guys soon!!