Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Disneyworld with some old friends

We were so lucky to get to see the Redd's this past weekend down at Disneyworld! Morgan of course was so glad to see his BFF Matt and I loved getting to catch up with Sarah. The kids were beyond thrilled to get to see Jack and Ella and acted like old friends. It was such a great weekend, we were so sad to see them go. Hope they are back safe and sound and enjoying their freezing cold weather:) Come visit again soon!


Liz said...

Cute pictures!! Glad you had fun!

mk said...

So much fun for you and the family. Love that the Redds have a Utah connection. It will help to get you back here!

Redd family said...

Oh my goodness we had so much fun with you guys! I love that the kids picked up right where they left off. Thanks for making the trip up, who am I kidding, Orlando is your weekend home!! Ain't nobody got time for that! Love ya!