Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Disneyworld with some old friends

We were so lucky to get to see the Redd's this past weekend down at Disneyworld! Morgan of course was so glad to see his BFF Matt and I loved getting to catch up with Sarah. The kids were beyond thrilled to get to see Jack and Ella and acted like old friends. It was such a great weekend, we were so sad to see them go. Hope they are back safe and sound and enjoying their freezing cold weather:) Come visit again soon!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sea World Birthday

For London's birthday we finally got down to Sea World!
She REALLY wanted to feed the dolphins...
This is how close she got to feeding the dolphins their freshly dead fish...she was NOT getting near that stink!
Will LOVED the turtles and sharks, but mostly the dolphins. Those are always the favorite! He especially loved the dolphin and bird show...he was clapping his hands the whole time, it was hilarious!
Did I mention this little guy has lost his 2 bottom teeth?? He is going to be toothless before we know it!

Friday, November 02, 2012

My little 4 year old

My darling Duchess Clever beyond her 4 years Full of wit and spunk
First we opened presents from Gramma....loved the new Merida dolls and REALLY loved our new Mo Willems books...THANKS, Gramma!
Go Utes! Thanks Uncle Logan!
Thanks Uncle Whit, Aunt Lindsey, and Maggie (and Jonas!) for the cute bubble blower! Kids played with it all afternoon!
Gift of the day...Doc McStuffins Medicine bag! I did what I could for her cake...I had requests for Frankenweenie and Merida cakes...it was tough.
And I don't know how I didn't get any pictures, but Grammie and Papa took her to the Little Shop to see her picture and got her the cutest ice cream scooper ever. She plays with it NON stop!! And they took us all out to eat which was so fun. Somehow Max told the hostess it was London's birthday and the waiters all came out singing to our surprise. That Max, always the responsible one! Of course, without a doubt, her favorite present of all was having Grammie and Papa come celebrate with us. Thanks for making her birthday so special!!

Halloween festivities

We had a great time at our Ward's Trunk or Treat this year...although I didn't get a picture of our sweet decorated Trunk. I didn't even get pix of the kids trunk or treating...oh good grief. I didn't get them actually Trick or treating, either. Wow. Dropped the ball this year. But I did get pictures of them with Grammie and Papa Mark and I did get them IN their costumes, and I DID get a picture of Max in his "Halloween Hat" for the 1st grade Halloween parade so, 3 out of 5...I'll take it. Happy Halloween!!
By the way, William was one of the little brothers from BRAVE...you know, the cute little one that turns into a bear. . . He had a kilt on but wouldn't wear his bear hat for more than a few seconds. He and London were so cute together!! And Max was a very convincing Indiana Jones. Thanks, Grammie, for the accessories that made their costumes so perfect!!
Our darling friends, the Findley's came...we LOVE getting to see them!!
I got to help with the class party this year...it was AWESOME:) Kids loved dipping apples and decorating cookies. Who wouldn't?!
Mr. Frankenstein to YOU, bub!

Grammie and Papa Mark come to town

Grammie and Papa Mark flew in for a few days to celebrate London's birthday with her and man oh MAN was she thrilled! Probably because she is always so spoiled by them. We had so much fun and were so sad when it was time to say good-bye...London cried most of the day. But it was a great time filled with trunk or treating, pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, movies, and plenty of goofing off. Thank you, Grammie and Papa, for taking time to fly across the country to come see us...such a pain but we are so grateful you could came. We love you!