Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy 8 months, my little chicken nugget!

A few of this little guys faves: His sister, London. She makes him laugh his stinkin' guts out. Meatballs and tacos. Can NOT shove them in fast enough. Chasing Bandit and pulling his tail. Door stoppers. Little pieces of lint he finds on the floor and slyly shoves into his mouth. Max scaring him from behind his high chair. Puff cereal. You should see him go to town on those things! Dad doing "one for the money" and throwing him onto the bed. Me. Ok, nursing. He loves nursing still. Showers and baths and swimming at the pool. A few of his stats: Crawling like it's going outta style. Pulling himself up on anything and everything. Then falling pretty hard on his squishy tushy and crawling to the next thing. 4 teeth, 2 on top, 2 on bottom. I should mention he likes to bite. A few things he does NOT like: Fruit. or baby food. milk from a bottle. going to sleep on his own. staying asleep all night.
We sure love you, little man! We all adore that sweet smile and contagious laugh and are so glad you're part of the family!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

So not only is he crawling, now he is pulling himself up all over the place! So I have realized we have officially passed the "letting him cry it out" stage of getting him to sleep through the night. He just pulls himself up and starts yelling "mamamammamamamama" and can't get back down. He's lucky he's so cute, that's all I have to say about that.
This picture just makes me laugh. They are always super snuggled together, arms wrapped around...I love it because they look like a little married couple or something:)
Oh, and somehow I forgot that we all got to have lunch together on Max's first day..such a treat!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of First Grade!

Have you ever seen a cuter 1st grader? He was SO excited!!
Max and his good buddies...neither of them are in his class:(
2 handsome dudes! We love our good buddy, Jack!
Darling Isabella who we are lucky enough to have in his class.
Now I'm just embarrassing him...fine...I'll go home now..sniff. (ok, more like sob)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Love our weekend getaways!

St. Augustine was a fabulous place to relax this past weekend. We took in the sights, ate some good food, and played at some amazing beaches. All thanks to Morgan:) We sure love having dad home for the weekends:)

Friday, August 03, 2012

Sea World

Sea World...more like It-Is-So-Hot-I-Can-Barely-Stand-It World. It's all for the kids, my friends. All for the kids. Max said his favorite part was feeding the Sting Rays and London said her favorite part was the Dolphin show. Will's favorite part was obviously the toe eating.

2 cute boys

Mathie Family Olympics

The olympics are in full force at the Mathie's this summer! We got all revved up for the Opening Ceremony by having our own version of the games...including an obstacle course in the backyard, a relay race and sprint racing at the basketball course, tennis tournaments and of course, diving and laps at the pool. I wish I had taken more pictures, but, it's hard when William is grabbing for the camera all the time! We finished the day with fish and chips and some homemade ice was a blast! The kids have loved watching the games this past week and next week while they are getting ready to end, I'm sure we'll have a few more "competitions." Except our games aren't really competitions, I try to make them more a team building experience. Like they need one more thing to fight about!
Will slept through these games but in 4 years, Max and London had better watch out!