Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy 8 months, my little chicken nugget!

A few of this little guys faves: His sister, London. She makes him laugh his stinkin' guts out. Meatballs and tacos. Can NOT shove them in fast enough. Chasing Bandit and pulling his tail. Door stoppers. Little pieces of lint he finds on the floor and slyly shoves into his mouth. Max scaring him from behind his high chair. Puff cereal. You should see him go to town on those things! Dad doing "one for the money" and throwing him onto the bed. Me. Ok, nursing. He loves nursing still. Showers and baths and swimming at the pool. A few of his stats: Crawling like it's going outta style. Pulling himself up on anything and everything. Then falling pretty hard on his squishy tushy and crawling to the next thing. 4 teeth, 2 on top, 2 on bottom. I should mention he likes to bite. A few things he does NOT like: Fruit. or baby food. milk from a bottle. going to sleep on his own. staying asleep all night.
We sure love you, little man! We all adore that sweet smile and contagious laugh and are so glad you're part of the family!


Norton Family said...

Thanks for his update especially since i can't see them first hand. he really is a happy baby isn't he!?! you are a good mom!

Liz said...

He is SO CUTE! Happy 8 months Will-Bill!

mk said...

So much fun. So glad to hear what is going on. Love it! Love you.

Jenkins Family said...

How the heck is he big enough to do all those things! He should still be a baby! Cutest family ever.