Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sea World...a new favorite!

We headed down to Orlando yesterday and met some friends at Sea World. The weather could not have been better, considering it's July in Florida, and the kids loved getting to see all the creatures. Max said his favorite part of the day was everything! London really liked when we got to play in the splash area and the Dolphin show. Will liked getting smashed by someone not watching where they were going...oh wait. He did NOT like that. But he loved the area where sharks and Manta Rays swam over our heads and he could have just sat and stared at them all day. Sea World is such a blast, we need to get down there more! Oh, and how random are the Sesame Street characters? But the kids still wanted pictures with them. We didn't want to wait in the "line" for Cookie was over 4 people long. But 2 out of 3 is pretty good:)


mk said...

So darling!! Thanks for sharing!

Liz said...

Hahahahahaha I don't know why but that visual of Will being all huffy about getting smacked by some peasant just makes me laugh so much. Yay Seaworld, even if it is totally sad to see the animals all cooped up in an unnatural habitat!