Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4th of July

Our 4th of July was filled with fun activities and fireworks! The kids loved running around at our Ward breakfast with their friends and then again at the Simmons for some firework fun. By the way, fireworks in Gainesville are rockin'! Everyone does the huge ones and they light up the sky all night. Will loved his first 4th of July and he would just lay his head back on me and stare up at all the lights. He was a little shell shocked when he heard his first boom but got used to it pretty quickly. We're getting better at getting out and are hoping by next year we'll even make it up to the fireworks UF puts on!! We sure had a great time and are so lucky to live in such a great country! We love you, America!!


Norton Family said...

Spence had an outfit like that!! oh he looks so handsome and getting so big!

mk said...

Little Miss looks so happy to be with her daddy. "Look Gramma, I am holdin' baby Will standin' up!"

Liz said...

Too cute. Yay America! And in Utah, we get Pioneer day fireworks too! Just saying...