Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Star Wars weekend!

We just HAD to venture down to Disney for one more little trip...because STAR WARS characters were out! Also we just had to meet the new Pixar princess, Merida. As usual, we had a blast! London was tall enough to r ide most of the rides...she was so excited! Mad as a hornet they wouldn't let her go on Tower of Terror though. Next time for sure, baby girl!


Nat Heaton said...

Every time I see your posts I'm tempted to make Jared buy us Disney World passes! It looks like you guys have so much fun. I think you have convinced us...when our Sea World passes expire, Disney it is! Hope all is well up North ;) !! Your kids are beautiful and look so grown up by the way!

mk said...

Such cute pictures. Such cute kids!