Monday, April 09, 2012

William's Blessing Day

William is the perfect baby. He makes me smile so hard my cheeks hurt, even if it is 4:30 a.m. I couldn't help myself from smiling and laughing along with him as he had a "blast out" in his new blessing outfit, staining it moments before his blessing. And boy, that kid got it EVERYWHERE. And again, there I was laughing along with him as I took his diaper off to salvage the disaster and he peed all over MY Easter outfit. Life is just better with William. We love you, little W!!


mk said...

He is SO darling. He is so different than Max and London, but still looks like them. ADORABLE!!!!!!!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

such a cute little "dr. evil"! no, but really so cute, I hate that i haven't even met him yet.:(

Norton Family said...

OHW (oh my word) i love this story! it is hilarious! i really wish i could've been there to see first hand. i'm glad Morgan got the name right in the blessing. JK
he is gorgeous!

Redd family said...

He is so darling. I want to pinch those cheeks!! Glad you had a wonderful blessing/Easter day!

Danielle O. said...

Such cute kiddos! He does look like a little dreamboat. Really great pictures and sorry about the blowout! You are a good woman to laugh about it. I am always stressed about the baby either crying or having a blowout for the blessing but I guess in the end it really doesn't matter does it. I bet it was stilll such a great, special day.

Liz said...
