Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our good friends came to town this weekend and we were so excited to get to see them!! Max and his buddy Parker picked up right where they left off 2 years ago and London is clearly quite the mentor to little Alex...taught her how to just dig right in and get good and dirty. The kids all got to go for a fun boat ride and run around like crazy. Just like the good old days:) Morgan and I loved catching up with Brooke and Jason, but it just made us realize how much we miss our old friends. We need to start planning our end of residency trip!!:)

The cute twins...not only does she handle the 4 of the kids with amazing patience, but Brooke totally looks amazing while doing it!

the boys trying to figure out how to start the jet THAT would have been funny to watch!

Here, Alex, let me show you how to get REALLY dirty...

Morgan misses his buddy...and fellow fish taco fan. No one but Jason understands how good those tacos are!!

Mmmm.....yummy ice cream sandwich.....

Going out on the lake....they loved it!

Can't wait to see you again, Parker man!

And of course since we were already in know Morgan. We had to do it all:)

Typhoon Lagoon

Magic Kingdom

Me with my sisters...heehee...

Hollywood Studios

Will can't WAIT for his first LOLLIPOP!!


mk said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! SO GLAD you got to spend time with these old friends. Looks like you had a blast!! Kids look so darn cute!! Getting excited for Newport.

Norton Family said...

the tweedle dee and dumb pix is my screen saver on my phone! heehee i love that family joke! glad you had fun adventures.