Will starts fussing every night after dinner...then we know he wants his bath! He looks forward to it all day:)
This is London snuggled up on the floor in front of our huge flat screen and she's watching a show on the iPad...
And she got a new scooter from our friends that are moving...she and Max spend hours on that thing!!
We all love snuggling baby boy!
I LOVE when I get to go into Max's class and help out. For Valentine's they just decorated some heart-shaped cookies and passed out Valentine's cards. Max drew lots of hearts all over Lauren W.'s card...wonder what that means?? She is the cutest little girl, every time she sees Max she goes in for a huge hug and says, "Hi, Maxi!" and again when we leave after school. DARLING! I think I'll be ok with girlfriends until they can start calling...
And since Morgan had a day off, we had to head back to Disneyworld for the weekend...