Monday, February 20, 2012

What we've been up to....

Making hearts out of melted crayons for Valentine's

Will starts fussing every night after dinner...then we know he wants his bath! He looks forward to it all day:)

This is London snuggled up on the floor in front of our huge flat screen and she's watching a show on the iPad...

And she got a new scooter from our friends that are moving...she and Max spend hours on that thing!!

We all love snuggling baby boy!

I LOVE when I get to go into Max's class and help out. For Valentine's they just decorated some heart-shaped cookies and passed out Valentine's cards. Max drew lots of hearts all over Lauren W.'s card...wonder what that means?? She is the cutest little girl, every time she sees Max she goes in for a huge hug and says, "Hi, Maxi!" and again when we leave after school. DARLING! I think I'll be ok with girlfriends until they can start calling...

And since Morgan had a day off, we had to head back to Disneyworld for the weekend...

First day of church

Max is now a CTR 5...whatever that is...he is now in the oldest in Jr. primary..sniff sniff.

London is a Sunbeam, can you believe it??

Will was sure a rockstar at church! He pretty much sleeps the whole time...ahh...just like his daddy!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Grammie and "Poppy" Mark meet Will

We were so lucky to have Morgan's parents come all the way down to Gainesville just to meet William. A BIG thank you to them for spending the entire time entertaining my kids AND helping me decorate the new house. Poor Morgan was stuck on the mole shift so my poor in-laws were stuck with me all day every day while I struggled to get back on my feet. Thanks for holding Will to get him to sleep, for getting the "other" kids to bed at night, and for chasing the kids around all day. They adore you guys and sure hated having you leave. Thanks for taking the time to come out to see us, we love you guys!

And of course Grammie didn't want to miss out on a trip to Disney so Will got his first taste of the magic. He was a trooper and sat in the Baby Bjorn the entire day and loved every minute. The kids loved being with Grammie and Papa and ran them ragged. Of course Grammie let them each pick a toy, Phineas for Max, Pascal for the Duchess, and Owl for Sir Will. They could not have been happier! Except they do request the Disneyland song at night that Grammie sang for them...she might need to call and sing it to them every once in a while to get them to bed...;)

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Olaf Eberhart Zundel

My grandpa Ole passed away this weekend and while I wasn't able to attend his funeral because of a rotten cold my little guy has caught, I wanted to share a few things about him...
A few of my memories with Ole...
-shoulder and piggy back rides through the Bountiful Hills behind his house
-swim lessons in the pool
-sleepovers which consisted of laying out until the sun went down, then going to sleep right after dinner. Oh, and special K for breakfast with some homemade bread and jam
-collecting golf balls along the golf course and getting paid for each one I found
-being picked up from school just to take me to lunch
-escorting me and my date to the Temple and doing baptisms for the dead together
-late night phone calls telling him I was sick because I knew he cared
-back to school blessings
-chasing boys off our lawn
-tarring the roof of the His & Her store he owned in Brigham
-making him take Morgan golfing when we were first married...and Morgan barely being able to keep up!
-always calling my kids "peanut"

Life lessons I learned from Ole...
-to ALWAYS call when I get to where I'm going
-make sure I have a tank full of gas
-go jogging only if I'm wearing boy clothes and a baseball cap
-exercise exercise exercise
-always keep up on your politics
-how to mow the lawn, how to keep deer from eating your flowers, and how to trim rose bushes

Thanks for everything, Ole! Thanks for the daddy-daughter dates, amazing Christmas gifts, and for teaching me to be so tough. We love and miss you but are so glad you and Ida are together again.