Sunday, February 05, 2012

Grammie and "Poppy" Mark meet Will

We were so lucky to have Morgan's parents come all the way down to Gainesville just to meet William. A BIG thank you to them for spending the entire time entertaining my kids AND helping me decorate the new house. Poor Morgan was stuck on the mole shift so my poor in-laws were stuck with me all day every day while I struggled to get back on my feet. Thanks for holding Will to get him to sleep, for getting the "other" kids to bed at night, and for chasing the kids around all day. They adore you guys and sure hated having you leave. Thanks for taking the time to come out to see us, we love you guys!

And of course Grammie didn't want to miss out on a trip to Disney so Will got his first taste of the magic. He was a trooper and sat in the Baby Bjorn the entire day and loved every minute. The kids loved being with Grammie and Papa and ran them ragged. Of course Grammie let them each pick a toy, Phineas for Max, Pascal for the Duchess, and Owl for Sir Will. They could not have been happier! Except they do request the Disneyland song at night that Grammie sang for them...she might need to call and sing it to them every once in a while to get them to bed...;)


Bree said...

Even weirder to see you actually in my house! I was laughing to Jonathan when you were first moving in about what a waste it was to move the tramp over.... Where did you get her it's a small world shirt? It is so cute! Looks like you are all doing well, sorry about your grandpa!

mk said...

Love this. Look so happy!