Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Our little Prince

William Eberhart Mathie
7 lbs 6 oz
December 29, 2011
9:54 a.m.


mk said...

Such a wonderful blessing. He is adorable!

Gygi Family said...

Congratulations! Hope all is well. He looks like a bundle of JOY!!!! Best wishes!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh I love him, I love him! So happy he's here. Hope everyone is doing good and just eating him up!

K Richards said...

Congratulations! He is adorable, what a wonderful Christmas present. Max and London looked thrilled to have a new baby brother! We are so happy for you!

Liz said...

He is so handsome!! Can't wait to meet him!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Congrats! He is beautiful!

Danielle O. said...

Congratulations! I love the pic of all three kiddos. William looks so darling. Hope everything is going well and I am sure that you are all fighting over snuggling that sweet little man!

steph said...

Too dang cute! We are so happy and excited for you! Can't wait to meet him!

Redd family said...

He is too sweet! I love baby boys! Hope you're all doing well. :)

Nat Heaton said...

I'm a little late here, but CONGRATULATIONS! William is absolutely adorable, Max and London are the cutest ever and you are all just a gorgeous family ...of FIVE! Welcome to the club ;) Hope you are feeling good and all is going well! When you guys are ready to venture out again we all need to meet at the beach! Congrats again...there is just nothing more magical than December babies!

Darger Party of 3 said...

Oh wow!!!! Congrats!!! He is beautiful. Congrats. I heard so little about your pregnancy on your blog leading up to this. He is beautiful.