Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our week in review...

Christmas Party at Max's school
I loved how low key they kept their Christmas party...they just decorated their little graham cracker houses and gingerbread men and Max was just SHOVELING candy into his mouth. That's my boy!!

Lots of baking and crafts...
Bandit waiting for something to drop...

Icing their own gingerbread men. They loved trying to "catch" the gingerbread men as they hid all over the house.

Making "Reindeer Dust" with Max's good friend, Jack

Morgan's Work Christmas Party

...complete with Santa and SNOW! Max LOVED the snowball fighting and London loved sledding with her good friend, Sophia!

Caroling at Retirement Homes with the Primary and Relief Society
The grandma's couldn't take their hands off was a little overwhelming for her. But Max threw a fit when it was over, he could've gone all night!

Ward Christmas Party
We got to have our friends, the Findley's, come with us and that made it even better!

And the new trampoline (thank you, Stevens!!)
The kids would play on this all day long if I let them! And usually I do...

Now all that's left on our calendar is Christmas, the baby, and the move. Bring it on!


Liz said...

London stole my pose! CUTE pictures!

Redd family said...

The move? Are you moving? You are busy! Your kids are darling as usual. Keep that baby cookin!

mk said...

So adorable. So fun to see all the neat things you are doing! See you real soon!