Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Of course we had to start out with the Mathie family tradition of being chased around the house with the turkey neck...

...except this year we were prepared! The kids and I brainstormed the night before on how to handle the turkey neck. We decided to ambush dad with guns.
Here's London practicing...

Didn't work...we still ended in tears. Next year Max and I are going to try water balloons...

I am sure grateful for the kids and how helpful they were this year...Especially when it consisted of smashing crackers and spreading cool whip!

And of course Morgan was the champion of the day! He put all the work into this meal, including all the grocery shopping, cooking the turkey, making stuffing from scratch, making the kids' favorite Jello, broccoli casserole, and the gravy. Thanks, babe, for taking such good care of us!! We sure are grateful for you!

Getting a well deserved Thanksgiving nap:)

Monday, November 21, 2011

We love swimming in November!

Getting ready to say goodbye to swimming this season....

Friendship Feast

I got to spend the day at Max's school helping with their Friendship Feast and wow, those teachers put in a lot of work! Max loved going around to each of the stations making butter, cornbread flapjacks, pumpkin pies, and fruit salad. His favorite was the butter making station...they put whipping cream in baby food jars and danced around to music to shake them up. They were adorable to watch. I'm loving all these holiday parties!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What in the world?

Yes....we went to Disneyworld again...what is our problem?? I blame Morgan. Obviously. By the second day I had pretty much shut down and was just going through the motions. London insisted I carry her most of the way and at 33 weeks, I thought I was going to go into labor. I think (fingers crossed) that this will be our last trip before the little fella gets here. Possibly.

Going crazy on the teacups

Max really loves the Bug's Life show now..London can't get through without tears.

The 2 seconds London slept Morgan held her...check out that scary flash photography!!

Winnie the Pooh line is always a hit!

We always love going on the Kilimanjaro Safaris...

...and on this one, the Rhino seriously was right outside my door. Not kidding. I started having contractions.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Mostly Treats!

We had a great Halloween this year, of course!! We started out with some pumpkin carving Sunday night and then Monday the real fun began!

London drew this herself...she's amazing!

Isn't he such a stud?! Look at those guns!

My favorite is London's toes hanging out...she won't give these jammies up!

Then on Monday we started with reading Halloween stories to the Kindergarten and then the Halloween Parade....

Max with his superhero buddies

Followed by the kids Halloween party....(I was not taking very good pictures, too busy managing the 3 classes...)

And of course, we finished the night with Trick or Treating. Happy Halloween!

Max and his friend from class, Lauren B. Her house was spoooooky!

Max insisted I sit down and rest while he and London passed out the candy...London was more concerned with getting out the candy she wanted for herself...