Sunday, October 30, 2011

London's Birthday Getaway

London had an amazing birthday "weekend". We drove down to Disneyworld on Friday afternoon where we hit Hollywood Studios and then stayed at what is actually considered a hotel:) We woke up early the next day and hit the Magic Kingdom! It started out rainy and not so busy but as soon as the sun came out, so did the crowd! So we left early and headed home to open presents and have cake. London got spoiled by everyone, thank you for all the gifts!! She loves her new books, dollhouse, lipsticks, blender (she won't stop making juice for all of us!) and glitter jewelry! Then of course on to the Sunday birthday dinner....she got her spaghetti and meatballs and we finished with cupcakes with all the neighbor friends outside where we played for hours. Happy Birthday, London!! WE LOVE YOU!!


mk said...

So cute!!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Miss London!!! What a special girl to get to go to D World for her birthday. Love all the pictures!

Cute Halloween costumes too! You guys always have so much fun!

Love you all!

Liz said...

I can't believe that she's three. Make time stop going by so fast!