Monday, August 22, 2011

My little kindergartener

Started out by waking my baby up at 6:45 to get ready for school. Weeping when I made his lunch. Held it together until we dropped him off and lost it when London started getting teary eyed. Had a good cry then. Got to school early for pick-up and looked in on his class...he was dancing and playing with his group and couldn't have looked happier. I asked what he did and all he could talk about was his group tour of all the classrooms and all the different pets he got to see. He was definitely impressed! Can't wait to go back:) Have yet to bring up his homework with him....we'll see how that goes...


Redd family said...

You're brave! It's sad huh? Max looks way too big, I hate it! Glad he loved his class, worms and all :)

mk said...

SO GROWN UP. Can't even believe it. Seems like yesterday we were sobbing in your front room in SL when you were packing up for Arizona and he was a baby!!!

Norton Family said...

coolest lunch box EVER! so glad he had a great first day and hope it's continuing!