Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We always love to have family come visit!

We were lucky enough to have Morgan's family come and visit a few weekends ago and boy, did we pack a lot in! We took them around Gainesville (a whole day event!), hit Clearwater Beach down in Tampa, and of course, went to Disneyworld! Lindsey, Whit, and Maggie had an SMA conference in Orlando and we tagged along. We stayed at a beautiful hotel which had a shuttle that took us to any park we wanted with 20 minutes notice. It was awesome! We hit every park, got every autograph (London's favorite was Rapunzel, Flynn Ryder, and Pocahonna), and the kids got every toy imaginable...thanks for the amazing trip, you guys! We loved seeing you and getting to do so much fun stuff together! Maybe next time we'll have to do it in April, though...;)

Aunt Lindsey never tired of entertaining my kids...I was soooo grateful for that!

Uncle Whit helping the kids make a sand turtle at the beach

Sweet little Maggie trying to stay out of the sun and heat, isn't she adorable?!

Animal Kingdom

Magic Kingdom


mk said...

Looks like so much fun. Princesses are beautiful.

Gygi Family said...

It looks like you had a great time! Love your pictures! Hang in there! Loves and Hugs from Salt Lake!!!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh man we miss you! I would entertain those kids all day every day if I could...I'd just make them sleep in the tub every now and then. That would be funny!!
Love you guys so so much!!