Friday, April 08, 2011

London's nose

So, about 2 weeks ago, London and I were walking home from the park. I was actually holding her and put her down and within 2 steps, she tripped, and in slow motion fell from her knees to her hands, then yes...completing the fall on her nose. It looked a lot worse than it was, but I found this great stuff at Target. Her nose is now thankfully back to normal and she is her cute little self once again. Except for those 2 random bumps on her lower cheek, but we're meeting with a derm next week so hopefully those will clear up soon as well:)
after accident:

after scar gel (love this stuff!!)


mk said...

SO SO glad it is all gone. Poor little doll. She really looked rough, but she is a trooper!

Liz said...

oh she looks like a cute little reindeer or something! but she's even cuter without it.

Danielle O. said...

What?! Poor thing it must have hurt. I honestly didn't even notice her nose until I started reading. SHe is sooo beautiful that you don't even notice the scrape. I am glad that it is better now though.
Also, wanted to give a big birthday shout out to Max! Can't believe he is 5. His b-day party looked so awesome. you are such a cute mom!

Redd family said...

I think our girls our tougher than our boys. ;). Don't tell them though. She really is such a doll and looking so grown up. I can't believe those braids!! Have you watched good luck Charlie yet, totally her clone! Love little miss London.