Saturday, April 02, 2011

Happy Birthday, MAX!

My little man turned 5 this week and I swear it was just yesterday I was freaking out he was already 4...the time has gone by too fast! He had a great birthday party at a Karate studio where he sparred, broke a board with his hand, and cut a cake with a Samurai sword... the kids all loved the instructor and he played so well with the kids...but the best surprise was Morgan getting a few hours off from his 24 hr shift to come and see it all! That was especially great for Max to have his dad around to see how tough he is:) I just want Max to know how much I love him and am so proud of who he is becoming! Stop growing so fast, though!!

Started the day right with cinnamon rolls and Metro Man!!

Gramma Horse got to come (more on that later!)

Little ninjas!

Getting ready to spar with swords

Cutting his cake with a sword...supervised of course

Prepping and punching a board...he loved that! But when the instructor broke the board with his head, he covered his eyes.

Yummy pizza!

Trying to run and hide while playing "catch the monkey"

His little follower rarely left his side

Because we didn't know Morgan would be able to come to his party, we celebrated the night before with some Earthworm cupcakes and present opening...this kid sure got spoiled!


mk said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!! So grateful that I got to share it with you. You are an AMAZING young man. Wonderful brother. Love you my little Ironman!

Redd family said...

Happy birthday max! Quite the 5 year old celebration! Keep your eye on the mail, jack sent something, just a little late! Ps what happened to londys nose?

Brooke Allison said...

That looks like it was such a cool party! How fun! Wish we could have been there.

Liz said...

happy birthday max!! you're the coolest!