Saturday, April 02, 2011

Gramma Horse comes to town!

Gramma Horse got to come to visit us in Florida for the week and boy did we have fun! Of course, it rained for most of the time (stinkin' rain!!) so we didn't get much sunning time, but we filled our days with lots of other fun, and mostly birthday-related things. As usual, I NEVER get enough pictures when my mom comes to town...but here they are:

Visiting the alligators...which Gramma was really excited about seeing until she realized they weren't behind fences...I could see the color drain from her face when she got it...

Skirt making..(thanks, mom! London and I LOVE her new skirt!)

And lots of eating and hanging out (mostly watching Tangled with London and laughing at Max getting the hang of his new wii)!

Thanks for taking 2 full days to travel to our part of the world...Max's birthday wouldn't have been the same without you. We love you and can't wait for another visit:) LOVE YOU GRAMMA!!

1 comment:

mk said...

My great honor. LOVED it. Thanks to all of you for your generous hospitality! Love you!