Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a great, albeit laid back Easter this year! Woke up early (and exhausted from a late night staying up to watch How to Train your Dragon) and had our Easter Egg hunt while Morgan was just getting off work and getting ready for bed. After church we had a delicious Easter dinner then spent the night decorating Dinosaur Easter eggs and watching How To Train Your Dragon before the kids went to bed. Missing all our friends and family this year...hope you all had a great Easter!!

Max doesn't like to wear much when he sleeps...he's always so stinkin' hot at night! And of course, London rocks the bedhead like nobody's business!

Her curls were SO PRETTY! I love this little Duchess!!

London had to be undressed because she is the messy queen. She still of course dyed her fingers. Max on the other hand, didn't get a drop on him!

Max's Easter Egg Hunt and picnic at Abacus

On Friday Max had an Easter Egg hunt and picnic at school and that morning as we were getting ready he said to me "The teachers said you could bring cookies if you want." Being the insecure mom that I am, I thought he meant the teachers told the whole class that and I must have missed something. So what do I do? I hurry and throw together a few dozen sugar cookies for his class. Of course when I get there...I am the ONLY one that brought cookies. Yea, Max totally made it up. The teachers were like "Oh, thanks! No, we didn't say anything like that, but we'll sure take 'em!" Stinker.

London helping with the frosting process...she is such a good helper! Doesn't she just make the cutest dishwasher!?!

Max and his buddies after the hunt and waiting for lunch.

I LOVE when this happens!!

Love those long swim days!

Friday, April 08, 2011

London's nose

So, about 2 weeks ago, London and I were walking home from the park. I was actually holding her and put her down and within 2 steps, she tripped, and in slow motion fell from her knees to her hands, then yes...completing the fall on her nose. It looked a lot worse than it was, but I found this great stuff at Target. Her nose is now thankfully back to normal and she is her cute little self once again. Except for those 2 random bumps on her lower cheek, but we're meeting with a derm next week so hopefully those will clear up soon as well:)
after accident:

after scar gel (love this stuff!!)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Gramma Horse comes to town!

Gramma Horse got to come to visit us in Florida for the week and boy did we have fun! Of course, it rained for most of the time (stinkin' rain!!) so we didn't get much sunning time, but we filled our days with lots of other fun, and mostly birthday-related things. As usual, I NEVER get enough pictures when my mom comes to town...but here they are:

Visiting the alligators...which Gramma was really excited about seeing until she realized they weren't behind fences...I could see the color drain from her face when she got it...

Skirt making..(thanks, mom! London and I LOVE her new skirt!)

And lots of eating and hanging out (mostly watching Tangled with London and laughing at Max getting the hang of his new wii)!

Thanks for taking 2 full days to travel to our part of the world...Max's birthday wouldn't have been the same without you. We love you and can't wait for another visit:) LOVE YOU GRAMMA!!

Happy Birthday, MAX!

My little man turned 5 this week and I swear it was just yesterday I was freaking out he was already 4...the time has gone by too fast! He had a great birthday party at a Karate studio where he sparred, broke a board with his hand, and cut a cake with a Samurai sword... the kids all loved the instructor and he played so well with the kids...but the best surprise was Morgan getting a few hours off from his 24 hr shift to come and see it all! That was especially great for Max to have his dad around to see how tough he is:) I just want Max to know how much I love him and am so proud of who he is becoming! Stop growing so fast, though!!

Started the day right with cinnamon rolls and Metro Man!!

Gramma Horse got to come (more on that later!)

Little ninjas!

Getting ready to spar with swords

Cutting his cake with a sword...supervised of course

Prepping and punching a board...he loved that! But when the instructor broke the board with his head, he covered his eyes.

Yummy pizza!

Trying to run and hide while playing "catch the monkey"

His little follower rarely left his side

Because we didn't know Morgan would be able to come to his party, we celebrated the night before with some Earthworm cupcakes and present opening...this kid sure got spoiled!