Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Slow down!

It seems like only yesterday London was wearing diapers, using a binkie, and sleeping in a crib and now she's binkieless, wearing big girl undies, and sleeping in a big girl bed! Oh wait! It WAS yesterday! Well, I guess a week ago at least. Once we started the potty training, it was all downhill from there. She's a trooper and really trying to keep up with all the changes. Wish us luck these next few weeks, we're gonna need it!!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I can't believe that! Such a big girl. Way to go London...and Linds.

Liz said...

on her way to being a full-fledged lewis girl!

Redd family said...

Holy cow! You are motivated! I hope she keeps her naps. I am starting to wonder if I should have just left my kids with their binkies, crib and diapers forever, everyone else does and they still nap!! Such goes my life.

Danielle O. said...

No really when did she get so big?! The last time we saw her she was just a baby! She is such a cute big girl on her big girl bed and that is so exciting that she is making all of these changes. Just think in a few weeks or so how much easier life will be.

Brooke Allison said...

I can't believe that! What a big girl!

mk said...

What a week for YOU. Hope each day gets better and better!

Jenny said...

Just kidding, you're amazing. Love the butterflies on the wall!!

hilary said...

Wow, I can't believe how big she is getting! Good job London (and you too, Lindsay!) she is so cute!

beckie said...

Love her big girl room. Grammie has an account now so that I can look at your blog. Thanks for the invitation. Beckie is Grammie.