Thursday, October 28, 2010

School Halloween Party and Trick or Treating

Max's school put on a little party today which included cookie decorating, trick or treating around the village, and pumpkin carving. From what I could tell, it was a hit!
Afterwards, I had a few kids over to our house for a little lunch and some games. Mostly I thought they would just want to wear their costumes a bit longer. I was right! Max loved getting to stay in his Iron Man costume all day and didn't take it off until dinner. That kid and his costumes!

Max and his teacher, Miss Susan (sad I didn't get one with him and Miss Melissa!)

Max and some super hero buddies!

Aren't these girls adorable?? No wonder Max chases them all over the playground!

Lining up for the trick or treating to begin...where's London??

Peek a boo! She wanted to be around Max every second!

Suckers! I didn't even say "trick or treat" and they gave me candy anyways! j/k, he didn't say that...but doesn't it look like he's thinking something like that?!?

Max and Ella comparing loot...

The after-party at our house:) These kids are adorable and I'm so glad Max has such good friends in his class!


mk said...

so so cute. Makes being so far away almost bearable!

Jandee said...

So sweet of you to host the halloween party for the kids, they had a great time, thanks.